Quince Ensemble is a 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization. Your donations are 100% tax deductible and help us continue our mission.


Quince is inspired by the music of our time, and is tirelessly working to share the music of living composers with audiences and students around the country.

Our work is only possible with the support of our amazing listeners, colleagues, and donors that have supported us for 15 years. Thanks to you, we are reaching more audiences and students than ever before.

Your donation helps Quince: 

1. Provide educational programs to colleges, grade schools, and adult learning programs throughout the country

2. Showcase underrepresented and marginalized compositional voices through our commissioning work

3. Pay guest artists, pay for costs associated with album production, and purchase essential technical gea

4. Document the living traditions of a cappella vocal music through recordings

To make a tax-deductible donation, use the secure PayPal donation link below.